첫째 달에 이스라엘 모든 백성은 신 광야에 이르러 가데스에 머물렀습니다. 미리암이 죽어 그 곳에 묻혔습니다. 그 곳에는 백성이 마실 물이 없었습니다. 그래서 그들은 모세와 아론에게 몰려들었습니다. 그들이 모세와 다투며 말했습니다. “우리 형제들이 죽을 때, 우리도 여호와 앞에서 죽는 것이 나을 뻔했소. 당신은 왜 여호와의 백성을 이 광야로 끌고 왔소? 우리와 우리 짐승을 여기서 죽일 작정이오? 왜 우리를 이집트에서 이 끔찍한 곳으로 끌고 왔소? 여기에는 씨 뿌릴 장소도 없고, 무화과도 없고, 포도도 없고, 석류도 없소. 그리고 마실 물조차 없소.”
모세와 아론이 백성을 떠나 회막 입구로 갔습니다. 그들은 땅에 엎드렸습니다. 그러자 여호와의 영광이 그들에게 나타났습니다. 여호와께서 모세에게 말씀하셨습니다. “너와 네 형 아론은 백성을 불러 모아라. 그리고 네 지팡이를 가지고 간 후에, 백성 앞에서 저 바위에 대고 말하여라. 그러면 저 바위에서 물이 흘러내릴 것이다. 그 물을 백성과 그들의 짐승에게 주어 마시게 하여라.” 모세는 여호와께서 명령하신 대로 여호와 앞에서 지팡이를 잡았습니다. 모세와 아론은 백성을 바위 앞으로 불러 모았습니다. 그런 다음에 모세가 말했습니다. “불평꾼들이여, 내 말을 들으시오. 당신들을 위해 이 바위에서 물이 나오게 하면 되겠소?”
모세는 손을 높이 들고, 그 바위를 지팡이로 두 번 내리쳤습니다. 그러자 바위에서 많은 물이 흘러내렸습니다. 백성과 그들의 짐승이 그 물을 마셨습니다. 그러나 여호와께서 모세와 아론에게 말씀하셨습니다. “너희는 나를 믿지 않고 백성 앞에서 나를 거룩히 여기지 않았다. 그러므로 너희는 내가 약속으로 주겠다던 그 땅으로 백성을 인도하지 못할 것이다.” 이 곳에서 이스라엘 백성이 여호와와 다투었기 때문에 이 곳 물을 므리바 물이라고 하였습니다. 여호와께서는 백성에게 여호와의 거룩함을 나타내 보이셨습니다.
2. 누가복음 10:17~20
칠십 명의 제자들이 기뻐하며 돌아와 말했습니다. “주님, 심지어 마귀들도 주님의 이름 앞에서 우리에게 굴복하였습니다.” 예수님께서 그들에게 말씀하셨습니다. “하늘에서 사탄이 번개처럼 떨어지는 것을 보았다. 보아라! 내가 너희에게 뱀과 전갈을 밟고 원수의 능력을 막을 권세를 주었다. 아무도 너희를 해치지 못할 것이다. 그러나 마귀들이 너희에게 굴복한 것으로 기뻐할 것이 아니라 너희의 이름이 하늘에 기록된 것으로 기뻐하여라.”
"It was long after the passing of the second shadow when dragons ruled the twilight sky and the stars were bright and numerous, that humankind began to thirst again for dominion over nature. Their weapon was industry and they wielded it with confidence. One by one the mysteries of light and darkness fell before the engines of progress whole nations came to believe that nothing lay beyond the power of their own arrogance. Competition was fierce in those productive days and skilled labour became a valuable commodity and so the trades people of the land banded themselves together to promote their common interests and to protect their secrets. These professional societies swelled in power as their membership grew a few such as the blacksmiths and the clerics acquired vast territories with private armies to defend them. Thus began the age of the great guilds vast city states devoted to the absolute control of knowledge held together by stern traditions of pride and of fear. Within the span of a few life times the commerce of the world was in their hands, but not all of the guilds were equally ambitious. The spinners of thread and weavers of fabric wished only to pursue their labour without interference they did not involve themselves in the politics of the day and left the administration of taxes and wars to others. So the guild of weavers never attained the prominence of the shepherds or the glassmakers their number was small for their strict rules forbade membership to any but the child of a member. Marriage outside the guild was discouraged and eventually outlawed. Outsiders regarded the weavers in grown society with distaste, yet their customs were not without benefit. The natural talents of their membership was nurtured and purified generation after generation until the greatest among them wove fabrics of such extraordinary beauty, that the whole world wondered at their achievements. Goods bearing the seal of the guild commanded a premium price and the weavers amassed considerable wealth in this period, which they quietly hoarded. Like the other guilds the weavers had evolved a philosophy of living based on the tools and technology of their handiwork. They beheld in their great frames of wood and metal a symbol of universal truth and found ways to work subtle patterns of influence into the fabrics they wove. The cloth of the guild soon became known for virtues other than mere beauty. Certain weaves seemed to posses remarkable powers of healing, others held a charm against ill fortune. In the fullness of time the art of the weavers transcended the limits the of physical cloth. They abandoned the flax and dyes of their ancestors to wield the very stuff of light and music and spun new patterns directly in the fabric of reality. The ignorant looked upon these works with fear and called them witchcraft. Many of the guild were persecuted a few were hanged. To protect their heritage the weavers extended a small fraction of their wealth to purchase a rocky island off the mainland coast. They packed up their spindles and scanes and shuttles and retreated from the company of men to refine their arts in solitude. Many wars and plagues followed. Mighty guilds fell into ruin, others rose to superiority. The exhausted world all but forgot the humble guild of weavers and few found reason to visit their home. An island of mystery, shrouded in perpetual mist, shunned by sailors, which ancient maps called: Loom."
Scene I Act I - In the presence of the Loom
HETCHEL *hums to herself while sweeping the floor of the ante chamber of the elders. The door opens and Lady Cygna enters*
CYGNA Hetchel
HETCHEL Lady Cygna, bless you child. Out of bed so soon. What brings you?
CYGNA I wish an audience with the elders
HETCHEL Look at you pale as lace and your hands trembling. Sit down. What an idea of coming this way alone. You would not be up and about if I was still midwifeing you could be sure of that. Now what is this you say? An audience?
CYGNA I must speak to them, the elders, at once
HETCHEL The elders? um oh I see concerning?
CYGNA A matter of importance. Please Hetchel.
HETCHEL An audience um um oh my um wait here old Hetchel will get you in.
HETCHEL *mumbles to herself* oh dear oh dear um the elders
ELDER ATROPOS CLETHO (male) I do not remember summoning you Hetchel
HETCHEL Oh um forgive me elder atropos. Lady Cygna is in the ante chamber. She desires an audience.
ELDER ATROPOS LACHESIS (female) Now? so late in the afternoon?
HETCHEL Um the girl is not yet recovered your reverency. Yet, she comes alone.
CYGNA I will speak
CYGNA Elders hear me! I cannot remain silent
ELDER ATROPOS LACHESIS (female) That much is obvious
ELDER ATROPOS CLETHO (male) Lady Cygna we are grieved to hear of your loss
CYGNA Do not grieve on my account elder. Save your sympathy for the rest of the guild.
ELDER ATROPOS CLETHO (male) I am not aware that our guild is in need of sympathy
CYGNA How many more babies must die before the guild will earn your condolences?
ELDER ATROPOS LACHESIS (female) That is no way to address an elder young woman
CYGNA Is it not! Then give me the words elder Lachesis. Tell me how express my anger.
ELDER ATROPOS LACHESIS (female) Anger does not become you. Calm yourself child. Tell us what it is that troubles you so.
CYGNA Our seed is barren elder Cletho. We have lived under the rules of membership too long. Most of our children are born dead, many that survive are monsters beyond hope. Our numbers are failing. Less than a score of us remain and all in the name of rules written in ignorance obsolete a thousands years
ELDER ATROPOS LACHESIS (female) The same rules that distilled our not inconsiderable talent
CYGNA What purpose will our talent serve when there is no one left to practice it?
ELDER ATROPOS CLETHO (male) The same purpose it serves now Cygna. The fulfillment of the pattern. That is our only purpose
CYGNA You speak of the pattern as if it were our master, but the long tapestry speak of a time when we were the masters, please elders there is power in the loom.
ELDER ATROPOS LACHESIS (female) So it is power you seek. What would you have us do with this power?
CYGNA Use it! I beg you elder Cletho. Use the loom to end our suffering and bring life and health to our children. The changes in the pattern would be trivial. Anyone of us could work the thread. All we lack is courage.
ELDER ATROPOS LACHESIS (female) Do you make this request on behalf of the guild or on your own behalf?
CYGNA I... Both
ELDER ATROPOS CLETHO (male) Cygna. It is true the great loom holds the power you seek. It is also true that our ancestors wielded its power freely. It may be that they understood the pattern better than we or perhaps the threads were easier to grasp in those simpler times. It does not matter. We dare not tamper with the pattern now. It subtleties have passed beyond our understanding. It is all we can do to observe our destiny in its fulfillment
ELDER ATROPOS LACHESIS (female) You ask for a miracle Cygna, but we are not Gods. We are interpreters
CYGNA Interpreters! You are nothing but caretakers. How can you squander the heritage your ancestors gave their lives to preserve. Your pious handringing mocks their devotion. Who are the weavers now and who are the woven!
ELDER ATROPOS CLETHO (male) Enough! I have tolerated your hysteria out of sympathy for your bereavement, but I cannot allow you to utter blasphemy in the presence of the Loom itself. You will return to your tent and forget that this conversation ever occurred! If I hear of it again outside this chamber you will suffer the penalty prescribed to all who defy the will of the elders. Must I specify that penalty?
CYGNA No elder atropos...
ELDER ATROPOS CLETHO (male) Then go and do not judge us, Cygna. Only the pattern may judge.
Scene I Act II - In the presence of the Loom
*Rain and thunder is heard. The door to the room where the Loom is kept opens and Lady Cygna enters the now empty room*
CYGNA Deserted. No one will hear me. No one will know. Oh the Loom. Power. The elders are afraid to use it. I am not afraid. Oh the colours of the pattern. Dancing. The shadow of rainbows! Oh... one grey thread... grey goes with every colour. Invisible. No one will notice one grey thread. To work. Here is the trick. Tied to the end of the shuttle. Let the harness do the work. Throw, beat, tread, rest. Throw, beat, tread, rest. Back, forth, cross the web. You taught me well poor Hetchel. Rest, throw, beat. Rest, in and under. Throw, back, throw, beat, tread, rest, throw, beat, tread, rest, throw, beat.
*Elder Atropos Cletho and Lachesis suddenly enters the room together with Hetchel*
*Barely has Elder Atropos Cletho uttered his words before the crying of a baby child is heard*
ELDER ATROPOS LACHESIS (female) Too late! Poor child.
ELDER ATROPOS CLETHO (male) You understand the gravity of what your have done!
CYGNA Only the pattern may judge elder atropos
ELDER ATROPOS LACHESIS (female) We cannot allow this outrage to go unpunished!
CYGNA Do what you must. This baby is alive. I am content
ELDER ATROPOS LACHESIS (female) Surrender the child to dame Hetchel
CYGNA Care for me the way you cared for me old friend
HETCHEL *answers through tears* It is the only way I know. *receives the child* There there...
CYGNA I am ready
ELDER ATROPOS CLETHO (male) Lady Cygna you are guilty of treason against the guild. You have breached the sanctity of the loom and compromised the fulfillment of the pattern to indulge your own selfish desires in direct defiance of the elders! You are henceforth and forever outcast from the guild of weavers. You shall neither behold this child nor set foot upon this island again. From now and till the end of your days you shall wander the skies in perpetual solitude. Your mournful cry shall be a lesson to all who would defy their destiny.
*The spell is cast and Lady Cygna transformed into a swan*
HETCHEL A swan... Still beautiful *cries*
*The swan crashes through a window and flies away*
"Few in the weavers' village saw the great swan disappear across the sea that night. But it did not take long for them to hear of Lady Cygna's defiance in the sanctuary and the elders' terrible vengeance. All were curious to behold the new infant, a child born not of woman, but out of the loom itself and whose creation was unforeseen. It was decreed that the child be raised outside the ways of the guild until his coming of age seventeen years hence when his future would be decided by a high council. The old serving woman agreed to raise the loom child as her own. She named the little boy: Bobbin."
Scene II Act I - In the house of Dame Hetchel
HETCHEL Bobbin, Bobbin. Wake up child
BOBBIN Hetchel?
HETCHEL That is right dear. Out of bed
BOBBIN Still dark
HETCHEL I know little one. Now quickly get dressed
BOBBIN Why... Sleepy...
HETCHEL There is something outside I want you to see. Quickly now before the sun raises
Scene III Act I - On the cliff
BOBBIN It is cold up here
HETCHEL I told you to bring your quilt didn't I? Here, my shawl is warm
BOBBIN I don't see anything
HETCHEL Be patient. She will come. She has come every year ever since you were born
BOBBIN What does she look like?
HETCHEL She looks like... wait there. Between the trees. No, no only an owl
BOBBIN The village look small from up here. Which star is that?
HETCHEL The bright one? That is the morning star. You can even see it in the daytime if then sun is right. Oh look! Down there flying low across the water. Do you see
BOBBIN It is just a seagull
HETCHEL Look again
BOBBIN ooooh
HETCHEL A swan Bobbin. A white swan. Happy birthday poor boy
BOBBIN Here she comes. Look! She is flying over. She is beautiful
HETCHEL Yes. Still beautiful
BOBBIN Why does she sound so sad?
HETCHEL Because she is alone. Proud and alone
BOBBIN She is flying away. Where is she going Hetchel?
HETCHEL Out beyond the pattern I expect
BOBBIN Can't we go visit?
HETCHEL Stand away from the edge! No little Bobbin. Those who are born of the pattern are hemmed into its web forever. Where that swan goes we cannot follow
BOBBIN The sun is in my eyes
HETCHEL Your are yawning. Back to home and bed for you
Interlogue II
"The years were kind to Bobbin Threadbare. The boy grew tall and slender with wide blue eyes, that sparkled with mystery and intelligence, yet Bobbin never went to school. The elders of the guild would not permit it. The other children was told he was a half-wit and they taunted him with terrible cruelty throwing stones if he came too near and so the friendless boy spent his days in solitude combing the beaches for sticks of firewood and exploring the hills and forests of the weavers little island until no one knew them better than he. Old Hetchel cared for Bobbin like her own son she saw his growing bitterness and begged the elders to end this cruel exile, but the elders were afraid of Bobbin and not without reason. His unexpected birth had thrown the pattern into chaos. Year after year they watched with growing apprehension. A shadow of apocalypse spread across the web in the loom. Bobbin's thread was weaving it's way towards a destiny of overwhelming consequence. The pattern was disintegrating. No one knew how to stop it. The elders never told Bobbin who he was or how he came to be. They prayed that Bobbin would be unable to fulfill his destiny so long as he never left the island and never learnt the ways of spell weaving. They did not suspect, that Bobbin's education had already begun."
Scene IV Act I - Back in the house of Dame Hetchel
BOBBIN Not tonight mother Hetchel!
HETCHEL Especially tonight. Draw the curtains boy, sit here by the fire. Now tell me how many threads are there in a draft?
BOBBIN Four...
HETCHEL Their names?
BOBBIN The throw
HETCHEL That is one
BOBBIN The beat
BOBBIN The treadle and the rest
HETCHEL Good. See if you remember the draft I taught you. Spin it for me
BOBBIN *sings the four notes*
HETCHEL Listen to me *Hetchel hums the four notes* Now you know what the other boys do in school all day
BOBBIN I guess I will never learn to weave
HETCHEL Rubbish! Do you suppose that every weaver starts out with a golden throat? It takes years of practice, years. How long do you suppose the elders have been weaving? Nearly as long as I have and that is a very long time indeed
BOBBIN But where do I begin?
HETCHEL You will begin with this *Hetchel takes out a distaff, which gives off a faint sort of metallic humming sound* do you know what it is?
HETCHEL This is called a distaff. Our ancestors used it to start to spin flax into thread. We use it to spin music and light into threads of influence
BOBBIN Show me!
HETCHEL Hold the distaff in your hands like this. Don't be afraid. Now spin that draft I taught again. Just the first thread
BOBBIN *Bobbin tries to hum the first note*
HETCHEL Flat. Spin it again dear. This time slide the thread high in your throat like this *Hetchel hums the first note of the draft starting low and ending high* Can you do that?
BOBBIN I think so. *Bobbin repeats the note the way Hetchel did showed him and suddenly the distaff responds by humming the same note while glowing* Oh! it is glowing!
HETCHEL It is telling you when your pitch is correct Try the beat and treadle threads
BOBBIN *Bobbin obeys*
HETCHEL You learn quickly
BOBBIN What happens if I spin all four?
HETCHEL Let us find out shall we? Let me shut this first. *shuts her knitting basket* Alright listen carefully. I want you to spin those four threads again. Wait for the distaff to glow before you go on to the next. As you spin the last thread point the distaff at the ball of yarn inside my knitting basket
BOBBIN But you just closed it
HETCHEL Indeed. Those four threads form a pattern of opening. You are going to lift up the top of that basket without even touching it. Whenever you are ready
BOBBIN Does it hurt?
HETCHEL Tingles a bit. Remember concentrate on the ball of yarn inside the basket. Spin
BOBBIN *Bobbin begins to sing the notes*
HETCHEL Concentrate
BOBBIN *Continues*
BOBBIN *Bobbin continues*
HETCHEL Point! Not at the window!
*The window is shattered*
HETCHEL Schsssss! Blow out that light! *A dog begins to bark somewhere in the night* Sit still for minute! Good... I don't think anybody heard us
BOBBIN What other drafts do you know?
HETCHEL Give me that! *takes the distaff from Bobbins' hands* You have done enough weaving for one night! Off to bed with you. You have a big day ahead and we both have to get up very early
BOBBIN Let me go alone this year mother Hetchel
HETCHEL Alone? Well I suppose you are old enough. Go alone Bobbin. I don't mind staying in bed late this time
"It was still dark when Bobbin awoke quietly so as not to disturb old Hetchel he slipped into his warm gray rope and stepped outside into the chill before dawn. The climb up the cliff path was steep and dangerous in the darkness. Only the waves crashing against the rocks below broke the stillness. Bright stars twinkled overhead. It was still half an hour before sunrise, when Bobbin reached the top of the cliff. He sat down beneath a crooked old tree and leaned back to wait for the seventeenth visit of the great swan. In less than a minute he was fast asleep."
주위를 돌아보면 감동은 여러 곳에 숨어있음을 발견한다. 가까운 벗의 눈물겨운 순진한 사랑에 뭉클한 눈물을 흘리기도 하고, TV가 소개해주는 일반인의 휴먼스토리에 콧잔등이 시큰해짐도 느낀다. 최근 5곡을 담은 미니앨범 ‘오르가닉’을 발표한 가수 이한철은 이런 소소한 일상에 주목했다.
이한철은 자신의 가까운 일상을 돌아보고 주위 사람들을 보니 감동이 더욱 진하다는 것을 알게 됐다. 이를 노래로 만들었고 노랫말을 작곡과 거의 동시에 썼다. 일상의 소소한 감동을 노래로 옮기다보니 반주도 소박하게 기타와 베이스, 드럼 세 가지 악기로 미니멀하게 만들었다. 반주가 화려하면 일상의 감동을 그대로 전할 수 없을 듯했기 때문이다.
2번 트랙 ‘도은호의 사랑’은 자신의 밴드 베이시스트인 도은호가 일본인 여자친구와 만들어가는 순진무구한 사랑에 감동을 받아 즉석에서 만든 곡이다.
지난해 10월 일본 후쿠오카 공연 당시 도은호는 현지 코디네이터 야마시타 노리코 씨와 몇 번의 망설임 끝에 데이트 하는 데 성공했다. 한국에 돌아와서도 잊지 못하고 한 포털사이트의 자동번역기가 만들어주는 문장으로 이메일을 교환하며 사랑을 만들어갔다.
이한철은 일본 공연 직후 서울 대학로 SH클럽에서 벌인 ‘버드락’ 공연 대기실에서 사랑에 빠진 도은호를 보며 즉흥적으로 멜로디를 만들어 흥얼거렸고, 본 공연 무대에서 즉석에서 가사를 붙였다.
이한철이 이 노래를 부르기 전, 도은호의 사랑을 관객에 들려줬고 노래를 부르기 시작했다. 약속된 레퍼토리에 없던 곡을 부르자 밴드들은 당황하기 시작했지만 객석의 대부분은 감동의 눈물을 쏟아냈다.
“내가 예정에도 없던 노래를 갑자기 부르자 연주자들은 어쩔 줄 몰라하는데, 무대가 감동적이었는지 많은 사람들이 눈물을 흘리더군요. 아, 이런 것이 감동이구나 생각했어요.”
4번 곡 '슈퍼스타' 또한 일상의 감동을 담은 곡이다.
한 지방 고교야구 선수가 진로에 대한 고민으로 무작정 상경했다가 우연히 이한철의 집에 머무르게 됐다. 이한철은 자신의 녹음실을 구경시켜주고 방송국에서 연예인들을 소개시켜주며 자신의 인생을 잘 생각해보라고 조언해줬다. 어느 날 고교야구선수는 ‘답답했던 가슴이 뚫리는 것 같다, 너무 감사하다’는 내용의 편지를 남기고 떠났다. 이에 대한 답가 형식으로 ‘당신이 유명 야구스타가 되고, 내 노래가 크게 히트하는 것도 좋지만 그 과정을 즐기자’는 내용을 담았다.
‘바티스투타’는 아르헨티나의 축구영웅이자, 이번 음반의 프로듀서를 맡은 장기영이 기르는 애견의 이름으로, 친구에 대한 고마움을 표현한 곡이다.
이한철은 94년 MBC ‘대학가요제’에서 ‘껍질을 깨고’라는 곡으로 대상을 받은 이후 이한철 개인으로 두 장의 앨범, 장기영과 지퍼를 결성해 한 장, 록 밴드 불독맨션으로 세 장을 발표하며 모던록에서 펑크, 테크노, 헤비메탈, 라틴음악까지 다양한 장르를 선보였다. 그러나 이한철이 8년 만에 다시 내놓은 솔로 음반에는 전작들의 화려하고 강렬한 쇳소리는 없고 따뜻한 기타 줄의 튕김과 드럼의 부드러운 두드림 뿐이다.
“불독맨션 시절에는 외국의 음악을 국내에 소개한다는 자부심도 있었어요. 그런데 주위를 보니 감동이 꽤 많더라구요.”
데뷔 이래 7장의 음반을 발표하면서 음반마다 조금씩 다른 장르를 선보여왔을 만큼 음악적 욕심과 능력이 컸던 이한철은 대중이 듣는 취향이 달라지듯이 만들고 부르는 사람의 취향도 달라졌다고 설명한다. 아울러 다양한 음악, 다양한 밴드를 해본 결과 이한철이라는 가수를 다시 한번 보기 위해 스스로 포맷한다는 의미도 강조했다.
타이틀곡은 ‘Fall in love’로 지난해 봄 전국의 안방시청자를 사로잡은 드라마 ‘내 이름은 김삼순’ OST 삽입음악으로 쓰였던 곡을 멜로디를 보강하고 가사를 붙여 노래로 완성했다.
이한철은 지난 2000년 ‘튜브앰프’라는 레이블을 만들고 직접 음반을 제작해왔다. 앨범 재킷사진은 최근 아스트로비츠라는 이름으로 앨범을 발표한 bk!가 사진을 이용해 뮤직비디오를 제작했으며, 록밴드 노브레인과 힙합가수 데프콘이 카메오로 출연했다. <사진=최용민 기자 leebean@>